Tis the Season

I always seem to wade through some (sometimes alot) of mourning during this time of year. Though I celebrate all year ‘round Christ’s birth and the gift of joy it represents - when it comes to the social aspect I struggle. That comes from thinking about those who are not here for me to socialize with - mainly my father who died at Christmas time. I think on the small little Christmas tree we had up during the time of his passing - which was so different from all the big trees and big celebrations we had in the Christmases before that. I think on all people who never got to meet him - on all the things going on in my life that he missed. I mourn the loss of him and the life I thought I’d have with him here.

Thinking that loss reminds me of the loss of other loved ones like my grandparents and Aunts & Uncles and cousins - especially my first best friend, Lisa. This year, as I think of her on her birthday the heaviness eases some. Even as my heart goes out to friends who are also struggling with the heartbreaking loss of dear loved ones, I feel the comfort that God promised in Matthew 5:4. I surely do not understand His ways but I am surely thankful that indeed time and time again He shows He is true to His word.

As the heaviness eases, I can play and enjoy some Christmas tunes. I hope to find some times of worship with other believers this year - I know that will be a blessing as well.

This is my Christmas play list https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/christmas/pl.u-gd4uka44V What is yours? Share below ☺️🙌🏾


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