
Be not weary in well doing. A piece of scripture that often rings in my head especially in these weary days. SO much going on with the deaths of loved ones, friends, and associates. People ailing and depressed and needing connection. I want to remember to keep doing well. To keep giving. To stay connected to the well of Living Water that never goes dry. And thinking on my lack of blood - remember the blood shed for my eternal life - reminded of its power. Power to keep going and giving as God directs.

Giving out of need and not abundance. That is where the true blessing, peace and clarity is. Give because it was given to me. Not because I was smart or clever or hard working or pretty but given because I could be trusted to give. You, Lord, are my provider - not my intellect, skill, work ethic or beauty. Help me to trust You more.

These are thoughts for a #givingTuesday. This year my giving plan includes giving to

Who are you giving to?


Thank God for 🔥


Nothing Fancy